Marilyn Tavenner is the New Medicare Chief

President Obama has nominated someone new to take over as the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Previously, that position was held by Dr. Donald M. Berwick. Now, it will be held by Marilyn Tavenner, instead. Until recently, Dr. Donald Berwick was the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. He was selected by President Obama for that position. This nomination was controversial, and so, he was never actually confirmed by the Senate. Some Republicans felt that Dr. Donald Berwick was in favor of health care rationing. Many Democrats, on the other hand, note that … Continue reading

Poll Reveals Americans Don’t Want Medicare Privatized

Anytime there is the suggestion that the Medicare program could change, it makes people nervous. This is understandable, since so many people depend on Medicare as their only form of health insurance. A poll reveals what Americans think about the idea of privatizing the Medicare program. A poll done by Harris Interactive and Health Day was done in early June of 2011. Overall, the results showed that the majority of Americans do believe that there needs to be some changes done with Medicare. They would like to see the changes made by lowering the fees that are paid to pharmaceutical … Continue reading